Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rugby: Homoerotic?

Rugby: Homoerotic?

First of all, is there a sport out there more homoerotic than rugby?  For me, well maybe baseball and/or lacrosse, but rugby, I think is still at the top.  My roommate in college played for our local rugby team, and he used to tell me about some of the traditions (such as ZULU, which was running around the pitch (field) naked after scoring your first try (points) and I used to have the camera of the pics of his ZULU, but I think he took it with him when he went home.  He was a sexy mofo, and I would have loved to have been there for that.)

Anyway, memories aside, I have to tell you guys about SHU Rugby.  SHU Rugby has been doing a nude fundraising calendar since 2001, and they have gotten me hot and bothered since then.  The guys at SHU Rugby were kind enough to let me use some of their pictures and to promote their Calendars and DVDs.  If you click on the link for SHU Rugby, you can purchase Calendars, Making of DVDs, and Photo CDs.  They are quite reasonably priced to ranging from £4.00-£7.00 + shipping and handling.  I know once you seen some of these pictures you will want one for yourself.  And if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the post and click "more" there is a little exclusive for you guys.

I know this sounds like an advertisement, and basically it is, but I am not getting anything out of this.  The proceeds from the calendars and DVDs go to the club development fund which pays for training equipment, new kit, referee fees, coach, travel etc.  It also helps them to subsidize club fees so that they don't lose players because a player can't afford to come and play for them, and it also helps towards the fees for the coaching team.  It seems to be a great fundraiser for SHU Rugby and these pics are certainly “raising” something for me, and I hope for you too.  Enjoy the pics below and go help out SHU Rugby.

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